Analyze your own data and gernerate standard graphs for presentations and reporting. Direct export into PowerPoint and other MS Office applications. Make your own nomograms and optimize your IOL constants based on data collected with Datagraph-med!

The Seiko Datagraph UC-2001 was marketed in 1985 as a PDA-on-the wrist. At $500, it doesn't appear sales were brisk, but the coolness factor remains. The Datagraph has 2K of memory, usable for storage of text. Hi, It seems that in the current version of DataGraph, we cannot have second x-axis when the main x-axis is date. Is that the case? If so, do you have any workaround to have two x-axes when one is date (time to be more precise).


Multiple user data entry and analysis within LAN network. Data import from various office management software and diagnostic instruments. Import and Export from MS Excel with flexible field definitions.

Download and test Datagraph-med today and see why famous refractive surgeons around the wourld use Datagraph-med!

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Datagraphic Chesterton

Datagraph-med® is suitable for inidvidual surgeons as well as for LASIK centerds and clinics. Intallation on up to 4 PC (standard) or 10 PC (multi user license) included.

Allen Datagraph Driver

Datagraph-med® is a relational databaseapplication using Microsoft Access®. It allows local, personal dataanaysis of all refractive eye surgery procedures.