Parking orbits

Parking Orbit Definition

China’s state media reported Wednesday the country’s Tianwen-1 spacecraft has entered a temporary “parking orbit’ around the planet Mars, where it will stay for about three months before attempting. During the course of the trial (which ESA bills as a 'world first'), Artemis was in a temporary parking orbit 31,000 km above the Earth, while the SPOT 4 satellite was at an altitude of 832 km. ESA undertakes first satellite-to-satellite laser communications test. What is PARKING ORBIT? What does PARKING ORBIT mean? PARKING ORBIT meaning - PARKING ORBIT definition - PARKING ORBIT.

Earth parking orbit

Chinese Mars Landing 2021

How high is the parking orbit for apollo 11

an orbit around the earth or some other planet from which a space vehicle can be launched farther into space; also, an orbit which is stable and from which visits to the planet surface can conveniently be made

Parking Orbit Of A Satellite Formula

Parking orbit height
  • Orbital maneuvers transfer a spacecraft from one orbit to another. Orbital changes can be dramatic, such as the transfer from a low earth parking orbit to an interplanetary trajectory. They can also be quite small, as in the final stages of the rendezvous of one spacecraft with another.
  • Earth Parking Orbit and Translunar Injection The objectives of this slide presentation are to (1) Describe the general characteristics of the Earth Parking Orbit (EPO) and Translunar Injection (TLI) (2) List the general activities that occurred during EPO (4) State what went into verifying a working Saturn IVB S-IVB IU and a CSM GNC (5) Differentiate between a Free-Return Trajectory vs.

What Is A Parking Orbit

  • 1941Methuselah's Children in Astounding Science-Fiction Aug. 76/1

    Approaching Earth, he called over the patrol frequency and asked for a parking orbit, as he did not wish to set the Chili down on Earth.

  • 1953Starman Jones 203Robert A. Heinlein

    They hung in parking orbit while their possible future home was examined from the control room.

  • 1953Starman Jones (1975) xvii. 184Robert A. Heinlein

    I want the ship placed in a parking orbit.

  • 1958 in Original Science Fiction Stories Jan. 6/1Robert Silverberg

    Even had the strangers come that night, if they had left their ship in a parking orbit and landed on World by dropshaft, it might not have happened.

  • 1967Star Trek 79James Blish

    The planet’s effective mass would change, and perhaps even its center of gravity…so that what had been a stable parking orbit for the Enterprise at one moment would become unstable and fragment-strewn the next.

  • 1978Forbidden World in Amazing Stories Jan. 113/2

    It took more time than they thought it would, and they had to leave their parking orbit and retreat further from Anteron III to make them safer from any possible reprisals.

  • 1991MisFITS in Aboriginal Science Fiction Mar.–Apr. 46/2

    A plan of action was needed, and quickly. He was approaching a parking orbit.

  • 2000Vasquez Orbital Salvage & Satellite Repair in Asimov’s Science Fiction July 54

    Unidentified vessel, your current heading is in violation of Venus orbital priorities, alter course for high parking orbit and identify at once.

Chinese Martian Rover

Last modified 2020-12-16 04:08:47
In the compilation of some entries, HDSF has drawn extensively on corresponding entries in OED.