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  1. Buddypress Wordpress Theme
  2. Buddypress Wordpress Tutorial
  3. Buddypress Wordpress Theme

BuddyPress helps you build any kind of community website using WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more. Tags: Social Community, bootstrap, buddypress, charge users, community, customizer, drag&drop. Disputo is a WordPress forum theme that is designed for the bbPress forum plugin. What is BuddyPress? BuddyPress is a free software package that can be plugged in to WordPress to create a social networking website. For newcomers, think of BuddyPress as an out-of-the-box social networking website, complete with an administration area that lets you manage the site. BuddyPress is a plugin for WordPress.

BuddyPress is a powerful plugin that takes your powered site beyond the blog with social-network features like user profiles, member types, activity streams, user groups, group types, and more. You could set up a community site for your university, an intranet for your company, a public/private network for your special interest groups, and many more!


  1. BuddyPress is an official WordPress plugin. It powers the 8.1+ Million user profiles at e.g. jjj, boonebgorges, and djpaul.
  2. BuddyPress is actively developed and maintained. You can be assured that this project will continue to serve your community for the long term.
  3. BuddyPress is compatible with nearly all WordPress themes. You can customize the BuddyPress templates beyond adding styles or moving template parts through our theme compatibility layer.
  4. BuddyPress is extensible. There are over 1,200 BuddyPress plugins in the repository alone.

Case Studies

Developers and Site Builders share the benefits of using BuddyPress.


Out of the box, BuddyPress includes several components that integrate directly with your site, with each other, and even with other plugins (install bbPress to add support forums). If you only want to use a few features, BuddyPress will automatically adapt, showing only the menu items, pages and buttons for the features you have enabled.


  • Member Profile Image (Avatar)
  • Member Cover Image

Extended Profiles

Member Account Settings


Friend Connections

Internal Messages


Buddypress Wordpress

BuddyPress Emails


  • Edit any Group in the Front End or Back End
  • Group Avatar
  • Group Cover Image


  • Member’s Activity Stream

BuddyPress Widgets

  • (BuddyPress) Friends
  • (BuddyPress) Groups
  • (BuddyPress) Log In
  • (BuddyPress) Members
  • (BuddyPress) Recently Active Members
  • (BuddyPress) Sitewide Notices
  • (BuddyPress) Who’s Online
  • (BuddyPress) Recent Networkwide Posts – Multisite Installations only

Buddypress Wordpress Theme

Dynamic Member Links in Menus

  • All member links posted below:
  • My Activity
  • My Forums (with bbPress)
  • My Friends
  • My Groups
  • My Messages
  • My Notifications
  • My Profile
  • My Settings
  • Log out

bbPress Forums Integration

Buddypress Wordpress Tutorial

Many More Features Coming Up

Buddypress Wordpress Theme

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